Acne Solutions


7 Tips to Treat Your Acne at Home - Best Homemade Acne Treatment

When food composed or containing fats are taken, oily substances are induced that leads to pain, swelling and redness on the skin resulting to acne. This can actually break-out on any part of the body. With these seven tips, you can get rid of your acne working out the best homemade acne treatment you can ever get.
Precisely, all the things you needed to get an effective natural remedy for your acne is just around you in your kitchen, store, and refrigerator etc.
1. Get nice garlic that is very fresh. Gently apply on the affected areas. It is actually a medicinal drug, the odour may be offensive but works perfectly well and it will dry out acne.
2. Wash your face with the mixture of avocado paste and water. The combination is another herbal acne treatment.
3. Take a bath with warm water and blanch of nettle will also reduce your acne and brings out the beauty in your skin. This is really a body acne treatment.
4. Blend cucumber and the paste derived from it can be carefully apply on the face and leave for about 25 minutes before washing. This serves as good refreshment for the skin, as well as an effective acne prevention cream.
5. Egg white can also be an effective acne remedy when applied on the acne for at least 15 to 25 minutes.
6. Cumin seeds are also an effective treatment for acne. Paste produced from these seeds may be applied on the skin for about one hour before rinsing it off.
7. Finally, you can apply cooked oatmeal on the skin for about 20 minutes. Then you can rinse off.
The regular combination of these tips really works perfectly well. Take a look at how easy it is to get rid of Acne in 3 Days
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